From Office-Centric to Hybrid: Transforming Work in the Modern Era

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Emmanuel Asika writes

Alternative work model, better known as hybrid work or remote work, is fast becoming essential to every business’ survival and continuity post COVID-19. The acceptance and sustainability of this model is corroborated by a Microsoft 2022 Work Trend Index Report which found that the new work model is still gaining traction as hybrid employees, representing 51% of the workforce, are considering a switch to remote work, while 57% of remote employees are considering a switch to hybrid working models in the years ahead.

In Nigeria, the emergence of remote, hybrid, and virtual work models have now become sustainable alternatives to the age-long in-office system. The trend is expected to gain more traction with the current economic realities occasioned by the removal of subsidy on fuel, as more and more employers and employees now see flexible models as the future of work, even though most businesses and lifestyles have returned to pre-pandemic status quo.

According to a Gallup Survey in June 2022, 8 in 10 people are working hybrid or remote, thus demonstrating the enormous pickup of this flexible workplace approach. This is further buttressed by’s Employee Engagement Report, showing 48% of companies are retaining some form of remote work for their workforce. 26% of survey respondents also opined that their employer would follow a hybrid model, and 22% said they’ll be allowed to work remotely when asked about their company’s post-pandemic workplace plans. So, whilst employees are keen on remote or hybrid work, institutions worldwide are now realising that positive job output is not dependent on being physically present in the office.

This paradigm shift to the new ways of work is again attested to by the ‘Africa: willingness to remote work by country 2020’ published by Statista earlier this year. The study reveals that 74% of Nigeria’s working population who participated in the survey would work remotely for an employer with no physical presence in their country. Interestingly, same goes for other employees across Africa, with Benin Republic at 82%, and Zambia and Cote d’Ivoire – each at 80%. In South Africa, 73% of the respondents were of the same opinion.

The public sector is not left out in this work shift as states like Edo, Kwara, and Kaduna have in addition to providing interventions to cushion the biting effects of the hike in cost of living hinged on increasing petrol prices, have declared flexible work models of three and four working days in a week for staff. The implication here is business continuity. Simple! Regardless, this can only be made possible with good deployment and application of digi-tech devices for seamless output.

At HP, this flexible work model typifies the way to work now. With a vision to create technology that makes life better for everyone, everywhere, HP is deepening the flexible work concept for more optimized productivity. All that is needed on the part of employees to make it work is to find a balance with working offsite full-time, while still maintaining and building relationships with customers, partners, teams, and ultimately, family. This is most significant, just as communication is important to keep relationships growing regardless of today’s realities which are now virtual.

So, in essence, technology has a huge role to play in the way we work going forward. It’s now a Zoom or Teams world. With an HP laptop, Poly headphones, a portable bouquet of flowers, sticky notes, and a clean and modest looking table – all preforming sundry critical functions for a fit-to-purpose and tranquil workspace, you are up for a new normal of work productivity.

Important hybrid work tips

First, due to the high number of virtual meetings, it is vital to make sure your meetings are short, fruitful and engaging. You must ensure you have an agenda that is simple and brief. Even more important, one must be attentive and meticulous if you’re to achieve your set objectives.

Secondly, hybrid work employees also have to find ways to balance their home-office routines. For instance, my HP Elite Dragonfly is as much a companion to me in my home workspace, traditional office space as well as on my trips to partners or customers in the busy Lagos traffic. In my morning exercise routine, our Poly headphones seamlessly connect to my device and sync up with my favourite playlist, which also enables me to make and receive critical work calls as necessary. This way I am able to work and take care of my body simultaneously thus improving my mental well-being. In addition to this, it is equally important to go outdoors and take in the scenery, weather permitting, as this helps put you in the right frame of mind. This really helps than sitting at home all day.

Finally, find something that makes you happy or gets you inspired. For some, it is a picture frame of their kids, wife, husband or family – a constant reminder of why we do what we do every day. For others, Asake’s ‘Lonely at the top’ or a tune or two from Burnaboy’s or Wizkid’s eclectic collections will get their inspiration juices flowing. For some still, it could be watching the sun rise every day to reset or refresh their mindset.

Whatever it is, the fact is that the future of work is hybrid, and it is here to stay. We just have to find the best way to make it work for organisations, as employers and as employees.

Emmanuel Asika is the Country Head, HP Nigeria

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