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NAOSNP condemns soldiers killings in Delta, ask Tinubu to deal decisively with attackers

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 Gwamcee News

The National Association of Online Security News Publishers (NAOSNP) condemned the unfortunate killing of soldiers of the Nigerian Armed Forces in Delta State.

The association said, the killing is a ‘tragic incident deserving of condemnation by all Nigerians’.

The 181 amphibious troop comprising the Commanding Officer, 2 Majors, 1 captain, and 12 soldiers was on a peacekeeping mission to Bomadi LGA, Delta state in which two communities were engaged in communal battle. Rather than allow them do their jobs, unnamed youths launched their anger on the soldiers killing the troop. Oh, what a low point for Nigeria!

Under no circumstance, whether in peace or war, should a citizen manhandle or attack a soldier, much less kill a soldier. What happened in Delta state on 16 soldiers is an affront on the office of the President as the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces. The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR must deal decisively with this matter. The President Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR must use this to send a strong message to all and sundry that you never attack the gallant officers of the Nigeria Armed Forces.

A press statement personally e-signed by the President of the National Association of Online Security News Publishers, NAOSNP, Oki Samson affirmed: ‘NAOSNP stands in solidarity with the Nigerian Armed Forces who are toiling day and night in various theatres of operation across the country. The military is stretched to its limit managing internal security in about 34 states of the federation. Why should they be the object of attack by those whom they toil to protect?’

‘We insist that those youths involved in this heinous act must be smoked out of their hiding. We urge that the youths and their abettors be made to face the full wrath of the law’.

‘We demand justice for our brave soldiers who are the pride of our nation, with no leniency to the doers of this terrible act’.

‘We also call on governments at all levels, traditional rulers, community leaders, religious leaders, parents to warn their children and youths against such dastardly act which happened in Bomadi, Delta state. It is not fair on the military’, the NAOSNP President, Oki Samson stated.

‘In closing, we commiserate with the family of the 16 departed soldiers who paid the supreme price in quest for peace in Delta State, the Service Chiefs, the Nigeria Armed Forces, and the Nigerian people as a whole’.

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