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Darrell Issa: KJP is ‘deliberately telling lies’ to cover up White House cocaine

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Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) blasted White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, saying she and others in the Biden administration are “deliberately telling lies” about the cocaine that was found in the White House.

“This administration is constantly making up new lies and not being held accountable for those lies,” Issa told Lawrence Jones Cross Country. “The White House press person and others are deliberately telling lies and not being held accountable.”

“It’s an area that is normally one of those you roll your eyes, but when you’re talking about serious drug use, rolling the eyes isn’t enough,” Issa continued. “There has to be accountability for this kind of a security compromise.”

As a member of the House Oversight Committee, Issa promised that FBI Director Christopher Wray will be asked about the cocaine.

“We’re going to have Director Wray in front of our committee this coming week,” the congressman said. “It is going to be asked of him, are you seriously investigating coke in the White House, or is that something you’re simply going to say is somebody else’s job.”

On Thursday, Issa suggested that cocaine was never heard about being in the White House until President Joe Biden’s son Hunter, who has a record of using the drug, started spending time there.
“I’m cynical. How is it that we’ve never had cocaine in the White House until we have somebody with a record of using cocaine who was in the White House just about the same time?” Issa asked.

Source: Washington Examiner

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